Youth and Family Programs
Parent-Infant/Toddler Program

St. Matthew's provides weekly classes for parents and their young children to learn, play and socialize with others in a supportive and friendly setting. Age-based classes are offered during the school year on weekday mornings and some evenings. View more information about the Parent-Infant/Toddler Program.
Children's Chapel

During Sunday services, our youngest parishioners are invited to Children's Chapel, with age-appropriate lessons based on weekly scripture readings. Children are invited to these 30-minute sessions while parents remain in Church and they rejoin their families before Communion.
Child Care

We provide childcare every Sunday from 8am to 11am for children from birth to age four with a staff of dedicated professionals with kind hearts who care for our youngest members.

Baptisms for children are celebrated at Sunday services several times a year. Instruction is required for parents and godparents.

We begin our confirmation process for all interested youth (in at least 9th or 10th grade) with an informational session in November, followed by four months of weekly confirmation classes in the new year.
Liturgical Ministries

Serving during Sunday morning worship services as well as other significant liturgical events during the year, acolytes, readers and eucharistic ministers participate in the sacramental and liturgical life of the church and have an opportunity for significant leadership roles and service training.
Faith-Filled Opportunities

Back to School: Blessing of the Backpacks
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
Blessing of High School Seniors
Seasonal Faith-at-Home Projects during Advent and Lent
St. Matthew’s Day Camp

St. Matthew’s Day Camp serves the children and families of the Parish and the surrounding community. Camp runs for six weeks between June and July and operates Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. For more information about the Day Camp program, please visit
Troop 223

Visit Troop 223's website for more information at:
Little Falcons

Little Falcons is a 5-day per week drop-off program (mornings or afternoons) held from September to June for children who are two years old by August 1 of the year they begin the program. Little Falcons provides a safe and positive transition from a parent-toddler program to the greater independence of preschool. Visit the Little Falcons website for more information!
For specific details about any of these opportunities, please contact Missy Morain.