Outreach Partners
St. Matthew’s Outreach Ministries support a wide range of projects, organizations and activities in Los Angeles and in the world. Our parish members give generously of their time, talent and treasure to make a difference. The following are current Outreach Partners supported by St. Matthew’s:
Angel Interfaith Network (Project Angel)
Fund housing, food, transportation and basic needs for low-income individuals and families departing County+ USC Medical Center
Provide funds for job training and placement for homeless and low-income individuals
CLARE Foundation
Support residential and outpatient drug prevention programs
Episcopal Urban Intern Program
Continue support for expansion of the EUIP
GAIA (Global Aid Interfaith Alliance)
Provide support for orphans in rural Malawi, Africa through the new Targeted Community Program
Hollygrove/Uplift Family Services
Fund the Family Search & Engagement Program for abused children
NYA (Neighborhood Youth Association)
Fund the Personal Best after school program for at-risk youth at various Los Angeles locations, including Mar Vista, Westlake, Harvard Heights and Harbor Gateway.
Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness
Continue supporting the OPCC Mobile team working with the homeless in Pacific Palisades as part of the PPTFH
The People Concern
Support comprehensive and supportive care for the homeless across Los Angeles County
PRISM/Restorative Justice
Support pastoral care for prison inmates at the Twin Towers and youth at Juvenile Hall, and host a picnic for families of the incarcerated at St. Matthew’s Parish
Safe Place for Youth (SPY)
Fund the expansion of the Case Management program to allow SPY to provide additional support and services for homeless youth
St. Joseph Center and Bread & Roses Café
Continue funding the Episcopal Urban Intern who serves at the Affordable Housing Program to help locate housing for St. Joseph Center’s clients
St. Matthew’s Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop of St. Matthew’s is called by God to do Christ’s work in the world by reaching out with compassion and assistance, providing goods, services, and resources to those in need.
Westside Coalition
An alliance of 55 organizations committed to addressing hunger and homelessness in LA.
Westside Food Bank
Provide funds for purchase and distribution of essential nutritious food for low income individuals and families (One dollar provides four meals to someone in need)
Grant Criteria
Please visit St. Matthew’s Grant Allocation and Partner Criterion page for more information about our Outreach Grants.